2020 and Hope

It has been a long year. 2020 has felt as if we had undergone two decades’ worth of wait for it to come to a close. Throughout the year I have needed a constant reminder of where we had come from, what life was like in the “before times” which I mean to include the… Continue reading 2020 and Hope

Categorized as Inspiration

Waxhaw Sk8 Park

Part of my typical March madness is visiting family in the Carolinas. This year we visited the mountains around (and a few spots in) Asheville which was ridiculously invigorating and inspirational. During our stay with folks around Charlotte we swung down (over?) to Waxhaw, North Carolina to visit the Waxhaw Sk8 Park. The trip was… Continue reading Waxhaw Sk8 Park

I like to learn

Being fresh off the graduate school bus “I like to learn” was the mantra I used to approach all the new real life professional experiences I was being exposed to. It became a sort of running joke with my new boss(es) and was the driving force I leveraged to justify trying new ideas, techniques, and… Continue reading I like to learn